- The Friends of RCL were established in 1973, when the library first started in the basement of, what is currently, the Richland Community Hall.
- The original group of Friends spearheaded the efforts to raise the awareness and funds needed to develop RCL into the beautiful facility you see today.
- The Friends have purchased furniture, a Smart TV, and an AED device for the library, as well as covered the cost of staff First Aid/AED training.
- We are part of the Meet Michigan Author Series which sponsors visiting authors.
- Our summer activities include: Area Book Club Gathering, Independence Day Parade, and an on-going book sale at the library.
We are a 501C3 organization whose nonprofit status allows donors to contribute to RCL through the Friends. Our bylaws state our mission to not only raise funds for the needs of the RCL, but to hold educational and literary programs for the community.

You may opt to become a full-fledge Friend of the Library! As a FoL, you are encouraged to attend annual meetings & sign up to volunteer for library events. How/when you volunteer is entirely up to you and your schedule. You are not committed to anything by becoming a Friend.
If you cannot commit to volunteering and attending meetings, perhaps you would just like to donation monetarily to the library. This is also extremely helpful! All monetary donations to the FoL are utilized to help the Richland Community Library.
If you wish to JUST donate, please fill out the Donation Form below.
If you wish to become a Friend of the Library, scroll down just a bit further and complete the Friends Application.